Royal House of Hawai'i

The Official Website of the Royal House of Hawai'i – Ka Hale Ali'i O Hoapili Baker


H.E. Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real, Portugal. Officer-In-Chief of the Royal House of Hawai'i – Ka Hale Ali'i O Hoapili Baker

H.E. Senhor Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real

His Excellency Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real serves as the Officer-In-Chief of the Royal House of Hawai'i – Ka Hale Ali'i O Hoapili Baker. Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real descends from the royal line of Dom Afonso Henriques (First King of Portugal) and Dom Egas Moniz (Royal Advisor to the First King of Portugal), as well as most of the kings from the line of the Second Royal Dynasty of Portugal. As such, he also descends from many kings of surrounding countries and their alliances through marriages that produced the most diverse European royal houses. Dom Alfredo also descends from famous historical figures of the Age of Exploration, navigators of the Côrte-Real dynastic family, and Nicolau Coelho. He is a Knight of a great many Orders, and presides over many charitable and altruistic institutions prioritizing cultural conservation work and the protection of patrimony and the natural environment for future generations. Dom Alfredo studied Agricultural Management in Braga, and earned his degree in foreign languages from the University of Oxford. He initiated the Traditionalist Monarchist Action (AMT), an association whose objectives are to enable, structure and restore the monarchy in Portugal through legitimate and legal non-profit projects. Dom Alfredo collaborates as a sponsor for the Portuguese Military and Green Beret Paratroopers on missions assigned by NATO and the UN, and he also is a multiple First Place National Champion of the High Competition in Precision Shooting.


H.E. Dr. Pedro-José Bartolomé Fuentes, Spain. Chancellor of the Royal House of Hawai'i – Ka Hale Ali'i O Hoapili Baker

H.E. Dr. Pedro-José Bartolomé Fuentes

His Excellency Dr. Pedro-José Bartolomé Fuentes serves as the Chancellor of the Royal House of Hawai'i – Ka Hale Ali'i O Hoapili Baker, as an auxiliary operator coordinating entrusted missions. He is a Doctor of Law, and holds a Masters in Nobility and Premial Law, Heraldry and Genealogy. Dr. Pedro-José Bartolomé Fuentes is one of the most highly regarded notary lawyers in Spain, and is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Board of Directors of the illustrious Notarial College of Madrid, a member of the International Union of Latin Notaries, a member and Merit Medal recipient of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Madrid and a member of the Royal Society of St. George of England. He is a Knight of the Constantinian Order, Ordem de São Sebastião dita da Frecha, a Knight of the Order of Saint Michael of the Wing, a Knight of The Royal House of Georgia and of the Real Maestranza de Caballeria de Castilla, among many other Knighthoods. Dr. Pedro-José Bartolomé Fuentes operates out of Madrid, acting in close synchronization with the Head of Ka Hale Ali'i O Hoapili Baker.


H.E. Keith Samuel Aweau, Oahu, Hawai'i. Chief Steward in Hawai'i to the Royal House of Hawai'i – Ka Hale Ali'i O Hoapili Baker

H.E. Keith Samuel Aweau

His Excellency Keith Samuel Aweau hails from Waimea, Hawai'i and serves as the Chief Steward in Hawai'i to the Royal House of Hawai'i – Ka Hale Ali'i O Hoapili Baker. His ali'i lineage is of the Houses of Mahi, Moana (kane), and Kamehameha, as he is a direct descendant of High Ali'i Ki'ilaweau, a direct ancestor of the ruling kings of the Kamehameha dynasty, Alexander 'Iolani Liholiho (Kamehameha IV) and Lot Kapuāiwa (Kamehameha V). A graduate of Kamehameha Schools Kapalama class of 1978, he is a Senior Systems Analyst for the Hawai'i Department of Education (HIDOE), and holds a degree in Computer Science from Chaminade University and an Associates degree in Architectural Drafting. H.E. Keith Aweau is a current member of the Honolulu Elks Club, whose principles include charity, justice, fraternity, fidelity and service to the community through benevolent programs. He is an avid waterman, experienced golfer and a long-standing member of the Healani Canoe Club and formerly the Waikiki Yacht Club. H.E. Keith Aweau is ranked as a Master category paddler and has participated in both the Tinman Triathlon, and the Moloka'i Hoe (the World Championships of Canoe Paddling), for thirteen years.

H.E. Dr. Arturo Santoyo y Medina, Mexico and Spain. Advisor of Academic Agreements for the Royal House of Hawai'i – Ka Hale Ali'i O Hoapili Baker

H.E. Dr. Arturo Santoyo y Medina

His Excellency Dr. Santoyo y Medina serves as the Advisor for Academic Affairs to the Royal House of Hawai'i – Ka Hale Ali'i O Hoapili Baker, assisting in the promotion of collaborative academic exchange and agreements with universities and other academic institutions in support of the Royal House's charitable priority of advanced education. In conjuction with UNESCO, he has founded numerous medical programs at universities worldwide. H.E. Dr. Santoyo y Medina also works in syncopation with the endeavors of the philanthropical arm of the the Royal House, The Hoapili Baker Foundation, as a Commercial Advisor. He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Mathematics, and is the International Council Vice President of the Instituto Internacional de las Competencias para el Desarrollo Sostenible (International Institute of Competences for Sustainable Development) based in Madrid, Spain. H.E. Dr. Santoyo y Medina is a Knight of many international Orders of noble and royal association and he is also an entrepreuner of his own tequila brand and fine wines.


 Hawai'i Council 

The Hawai'i Council is a committee of advisors which is mandatory for a legal organization representing a royal family, and thus a family name, whose royal origin is the Hawaiian Islands. As such, the Hawai'i Council comprises family members and cousins to the royal Hoapili Baker ohana, as well as trusted supporters from the Oceanian diaspora who are proponents for the vision of the Royal House of Hawai'i – Ka Hale Ali'i O Hoapili Baker and provide their insight and perspective with the best interests in mind for the Hawaiian royal family. The Hawai'i Council also informs the goals of the philanthropical arm of the Royal House, The Hoapili Baker Foundation.


George Ī'ī Baker

Geneviève Emelie Baker

Georgette Rogée Pua'ala Baker Luppino

David Scott Ī'ī Baker

Charla Kawehilani Baker Yoshino

Irene Keonaona Baker

Esther Leinani Baker-Nolan

Valerie Gail Naihe Medina

Debra Lane Naihe Flores

Sheri Edean Baker

Mahi'ai Richard Naihe

Idony Nikita Punahele Hoapili Albert