
Official Receptions, Visits and Travel

Gala of the Order of Sacer in Portugal

Albergaria-a-Velha, Portugal

T.T.R.R.H.H. Princess Idony Punahele and Prince Alfredo Maria celebrate the day of Saint Sebastian

Newlyweds H.R.H. Princess Idony Punahele and H.R.H. Prince Alfredo Maria with H.E. Keith 'Aweau visit the royal ceremonial ahu'ula cloak of ancestor Prince Robert Hoapili Baker I

Queen Emma's Summer Palace, Nu'uanu

Royal Wedding Highlights

To view more photos of the royal wedding of H.R.H. Princess Idony Punahele Hoapili and Senhor Dom Alfredo Maria Côrte-Real at the Church of the Convento dos Loios and the following dinner reception at the Castle of Santa Maria da Feira, please visit the new, permanent page entitled "Royal Wedding" on the website.

Athens and the Cyclades 2023

Members of the Royal Hoapili Baker Family and Senhor Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real

visit art exhibit of prominent Hawaiian art historian, H.E. Brook Kapūkuniahi Parker

Philanthropic arm of the Royal House of Hawai'i - Ka Hale Ali'i O Hoapili Baker

leads trolleys in the Kamehameha I Day Festival Commission Parade

State Ceremony in Honolulu of the Celebration of King Kamehameha I 2023

Official Reception of Senhor Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real

at the 'Iolani Palace with the Royal Hoapili Baker Family

H.R.H. Princess Idony Punahele Hoapili and Senhor Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real guests of

H.R.H. Prince Dom Pedro de Bragança e Bourbon de Mendoça, the Duke of Loulé, at the Ceremony of the Dynastic Order of the Saint Condestável, Dom Nuno de Santa Maria


Book Opening in Aveiro, Portugal, of the acclaimed, investigative work,

"A Verdadeira Casa Real de Portugal" by Senhor Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real

H.R.H. Princess Idony Punahele received for official visit by the City Hall of Santa Maria da Feira

Book Opening in Barcelos, Portugal, of the acclaimed, investigative work,

"A Verdadeira Casa Real de Portugal" by Senhor Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real

Book Opening in Matosinhos, Portugal, of the acclaimed, investigative work

"A Verdadeira Casa Real de Portugal" by Senhor Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real

H.R.H. Princess Idony Punahele Hoapili honored as Dame Grand Cross by the Infante of Portugal,

H.R.H. Prince Dom Filipe de Bragança e Bourbon de Mendoça, the Count of Rio Grande,

at the Military Order of Saint Sebastian Dita da Frecha in the Military Academy Church of São Francisco


H.R.H. Princess Idony Punahele and Senhor Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real are invited to Guimarães for the Ceremony of King Dom Afonso Henriques and the Ceremony of the Sword of the Portuguese Cavalry Lancers

The Vatican City

Athens and the Cyclades 2022

While in Athens in November on behalf of the philanthropic arm of the Royal House of Hawai'i - Ka Hale Ali'i O Hoapili Baker, the

Princess Idony Punahele and Senhor Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real welcomed new representative liaison for the Royal House of Hawai'i, Dr. George Nikolaiydis, a descendant of one of the few remaining of the oldest Greek High Noble bloodlines.

Book Opening Success in Lisbon, Portugal, for the enlightening investigative work

"A Verdadeira Casa Real de Portugal" by Senhor Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real

H.R.H. Princess Idony Punahele supports the Book Launch in Albergaria, Portugal, of the

investigative work "A Verdadeira Casa Real de Portugal"by Senhor Dom Alfredo Côrte-Real